Over 1,000 graduate from Rwenzori presidential skilling hubs

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Over 1,000 graduate from Rwenzori presidential skilling hubs
Several students graduated from a similar hub in Soroti last week

More than 1,000 students from the Rwenzori sub-region have graduated from the presidential skilling hubs, marking a significant step toward reducing unemployment among youth in the area.

The graduates, who included school dropouts and students from vulnerable families, completed training in various vocational fields such as bricklaying and construction, carpentry, welding and metal fabrication, and tailoring, among others.

The industrial hubs in Ntoroko and Kasese were established to skill youth in the informal sector, providing them with practical skills that can lead to gainful employment.

Following six months of intensive training, the students received their certificates during a ceremony attended by government officials, industry leaders, and the local community.

Jane Barekye, the Statehouse Controller, highlighted the importance of vocational training in addressing unemployment and empowering youth.

"This initiative is about equipping our young people with skills that they can use to earn a living and contribute to the economy," she said.

"We are proud of these graduates and confident that they will make a positive impact in their communities." she added.

Eng. Raymond Kamugisha, Director of Presidential Projects and Industrial Hubs, emphasized the comprehensive nature of the training programs.

"We offer a wide range of courses, from bakery and confectionery to leather processing, ensuring that students have a variety of career paths to choose from," he explained.

"Our goal is to give them the tools they need to succeed in the job market." he added

The King of Rwenzururu Kingdom, Charles Wesley Mumbere, praised the government for the initiative and expressed hope for its continued success.

"This is a great opportunity for our youth to gain skills and find employment," he said.

"I commend the government for its commitment to supporting our community," added

Godfrey Kabyanga, the state minister for ICT, also attended the graduation ceremony and spoke about the broader impact of such programs.

"When we provide our youth with the skills they need, we are not only reducing unemployment but also fostering economic growth," he stated.

"These graduates are the future of our nation, and we are excited to see what they will accomplish."

The Rwenzori presidential skilling hubs are part of a wider initiative aimed at addressing unemployment and promoting vocational training in Uganda.

With the success of the programme, government officials are optimistic about expanding similar projects to other regions in the country.

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